Zum Inhalt wechseln
As competent partner we offer you the opportunity to realize your product ideas by helping you with your individual product concepts. The specific characteris-tics of each application we determine in close dia-logue with our customers: With a lot of tact and com-prehensive know-how in materials and technologies we work out the right solution for each requirement. We place special emphasis on the professional sup-port by a personal contact person.
For our products we guarantee a high degree of user-friendliness and we ensure that they comply with the latest statutory requirements. The supply of product-related documents belongs to this as well as the issue and alteration of official reports.
According to your corporate design, in our in-house graphics department we create your labels and sti-ckers. Hereby it makes no difference if you need pro-duct-, batch- or dispenser labels. Also we design the packing media according to your requirements.
If desired we supply your customers in self-presentati-on also in third-party-deal, from the smallest amount up to large-scale deliveries.
So you safe capital costs, personnel expenses and transport costs and you can intercept order peaks. In short: You safe expenses and gain possibilities to establish your USP in the market.
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